Graduate Student Paper prize
Graduate students are invited to develop research to share at the Environmental Congress in June, 2025. Paper project proposals will be judged competitively. The application form for this process can be found here. The funding of winning honoraria is intended to subsidize Congress attendance, and mentor student researchers toward publication. Our goal is to fund as many as twenty honoraria. The basic criterion for successful proposals is simple: strong evidence of a serious environmental humanities research project that relates specifically to the Indiana Dunes, the Calumet Region, or the Great Lakes. The application form when you are ready is at this link. Please see the Research Resources web page for applied research help. In order to stimulate thought on possible topics, here are some thematic suggestions:
Official Call to Submit
Student Research Paper Competition
Environmental Humanities Congress
The 2025 Environmental Humanities Congress is honored to announce a competitive awards
program for graduate student research projects focused on environmental justice and ecological
resilience in the Indiana Dunes and Calumet Region on Lake Michigan. We welcome submissions
that address this theme, and will award up to twenty $750 honoraria to support presentation of
research at the Congress in June of 2025. The overarching goal of the competition is to inspire,
support, and mentor place-based graduate student papers through to eventual publication.
The purpose of the Congress is to bring humanities scholars together with community members and
local organizations to think together about the fate of the Dunes, the region, its lakes and rivers, and
all (biological and non-biological) communities that live together in and around this precious place
on earth. To help graduate prize applicants explore research topics, we have provided some tips and
thematic suggestions for possible paper directions (above). These tips are simply suggestive and not limiting.
We have also set up a Research Resources page that samples the extraordinary wealth of publicly
available materials on the Dunes region in its many historical, cultural, political, ecological,
philosophical, and artistic facets.
Our standard for granting project awards is whether the application shows strong evidence of a
promising research project in environmental humanities focused on the ecology (in the widest sense
of the term) of this specific place on earth (the Calumet Region on Lake Michigan). The goal of the
Congress is to surface the dense, interacting epistemic, cultural, historical, sociological, political,
and scientific dynamics condensed in this small, imperiled, and always transforming ecosystem. We
therefore invite exploration in any of the multiple layers of state and local politics (land
management, naming rights, corporate relations, etc.), industry and economy, river, lake, swamp
and woodland ecology, and environmental activism within the stratified palimpsest of its languages,
histories, religions, arts, and cultures.
Your initial submission must include:
A. an extended abstract (approximately 450 to 600 words)
B. a carefully constructed bibliography
More detail on these A. and B. below. You are not submitting a completed paper. The submission
materials are geared toward a 10-12 minute panel presentation at the Congress. Participation on
site is a requirement for the award. Because this event is about coming in direct contact with the
ecology of the Dunes, it will be in person only.
• Please submit both abstract and bibliography in one pdf document.
• Leave off all identifying information (name, email, affiliation) from this pdf for blind review.
• Attach pdf in an email to: jarthos@iu.edu. Mark the subject header of the email:
“Graduate Research Proposal Submission to the Indiana Dunes Environmental Humanities
Congress.” In your email body, include the title of your paper, your name, email contact,
snail mail address, area of graduate study, and institutional affiliation.
In addition to our suggested Research Themes and Research Resources pages, our Congress
organizers are soliciting the broad academic support of Environmental Humanities graduate
program faculty throughout the five-state region (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan). If you
are part of such a program, talk with your advisors and mentors and encourage them to be in
contact with us as well. The spirit of this award program is to make research flourish, and to engage
the regional academic community in this goal as a collective effort.
A. an extended abstract (approximately 400 to 600 words): This is a concise narrative account
of (a) a guiding claim or question, (b) the specific issues that this claim or question creates
for you, and (c) the way you will investigate the matter. The scope of your project should be
appropriate to a ten-twelve minute presentation to our Congress, and demonstrate
promising material for an eventual journal paper or book chapter.
B. a carefully constructed bibliography. It should be clear from the citations how this
environmental humanities research project is grounded in the Indiana Dunes, the Calumet
Region, or Great Lakes ecology. You can use any style sheet, but be sure and have complete
Be sure to submit the combined abstract and bib in one pdf. Submission of this paper proposal
indicates that you are able and intend to a[end the Congress in person if selected. Details of the
Congress will be regularly updated on our webpage, where you can sign up for event update
APPLICATION PROCESS NOW OPEN: Research paper proposals can be submitted to the
Competition from now until DECEMBER 1, 2024. Award announcements will be made December 1,
2024. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions by contacting Professor John Arthos,
jarthos@iu.edu. We are excited to see your proposals! If you would like to let us know you are
working on a submission we can keep you updated on any Congress news.
We expect to offer generous award stipends to encourage student research in environmental humanities and philosophy on the region, as well as to support conference attendance. Stay tuned to this page for announcements, and contact us with your questions at dutsler [at] gmail [dot] com.

We have developed a resource page with links to publicly available research on the Indiana Dunes, Great Lakes ecology, and the history of the Calumet Region. Consider consulting these materials as you develop your research project.
We encourage you to contact us if you have questions as we move forward with the competition.
Get to Know Us
We also need volunteers to be mentors and judges to curate submitted work. In either case please write to: David Utsler (dutsler [at] gmail [dot] com), or John Arthos (jarthos [at] indiana [dot] edu)